The default datasource is the instance where the app is installed, which needs no configuration. You can select it right after installing the app.
Manage datasources
First of all, you need to enter in edition mode, for doing so, click on the Edit button Access to the dashboard actions in the “…” menu, in the right top navigation bar.
Click on the ⚙ to open the configuration menu, or click on the Config button.
Select a datasource, default for the current instance, or any other (see Add and Manage Datasources
Now, depending on the gadget datasource, you’ll see different configuration options. Some of the require you to indicate a project, a board, a sprint, a queue, a time period…
The last option before clicking on Save, is common to all gadgets “Use this setting to configure empty compatible gadgets”. If you enable this toggle, all the gadgets with a compatible configuration will be configured equally, so you spend less time doing it
Finally, click SaveSelect Manage datasources and you’ll access to all the datasources available to the whole organization and your private datasources.
Add datasources
In the edition mode, remember, click on the Edit button Access to the dashboard actions in the “…” menu, in the right top navigation bar, you’ll see new controls in the middle of the top navigation bar:
Click on the ➕ add gadget button to open the gadgets catalog menu (see Gadgets: KPIs and Metrics for a complete list of available gadgets).
Access the set of gadgets available for each of the provided integrations (see Dashboard Integrations: Datasources for a complete list of available integrations), select the one you want to add to the current dashboard.
Fill the configuration settings and click Add.
. Select Add datasource and you’ll be able to select among all the available source products.
The instructions to connect with the different products are detailed in the next screen. See Dashboard Integrations: Datasources to see the upcoming source products, and contact us if you are interested in any other product.
See also
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