Your dashboard panels are critical to transmit information to your team, if you clutter them with every single gadget you think is important, you will end up with a messy panel. Your gadgets should be as visible (big) as possible.
To alleviate this situation, you can configure a slideshow: Your dashboard panel as a set of more than one slide, each one with meaningful metrics and KPIs, and each one of them with the right amount of time in screen.
Size matters when it comes to information radiators—the bigger the better.
Slideshow mode
Following the concept of information radiator coined by Alistair Cockburn, this is the default mode that users see when accessing to a dashboard using a public link (see Learn about Access Restrictions and Public Sharing to learn how to share a dashboard externally). It’s optimized for large screens or TVs, where the main differences with the normal dashboard view are:
Dark mode is switched on by default, although you can switch it off. It reduces the impact on the eyesight, is soothing to the eyes and improves the visual ergonomics.
There’s no top Jira menu bar, more space for your critical information, the bigger the better.
There’re no options to edit the dashboard or the slide, but you can still control the slideshow to pause/play or go to the next/previous slide.
You can view the dashboard in full screen, again, the bigger the better.
Set up a wallboard
The wallboard mode is the default mode when you share publicly a dashboard. To create a public link:
Click on the Share button.
Enable the Public Link toggle and copy the URL.
Use this link to display your information radiator. Remember that anyone with that link can see the dashboard content.
See also
Set up a slideshow
To add slides to your dashboard panel, access to your Dashboard settings in the top right … menu:
Select the Slideshow tab.
Set the Default time. This is the time that all the slides by default will be displayed in the screen. When the time is up, slides move to the next one.
Click on + Add Empty Slide to add more slides to your slideshow. You can set individual time periods for each one of the slides.
The button deletes the slides individually
Click Save.
When you are in the edition mode (click on the Edit button in the right top navigation bar), you can find controls to add or remove slides too.
Slideshow mode
When you view a dashboard with more than one slide, a play button appears in the middle of the top navigation bar. The slideshow mode is on!
This is also the default mode that users see when accessing to a dashboard using a public link (see Learn about Public or External Sharing to learn how to share a dashboard externally). It’s optimized for large screens or TVs, check Set Up a Wallboard for further information).
See also
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