Display the velocity of a Scrum team by sprints, calculated as the average of completed estimates from the selected sprints


Velocity in Agile teams using Scrum has been the center of many discussions. It’s due that is a key metric to forecast delivery dates and set the number of product backlog tasks to plan in upcoming sprints. Putting discussions aside, having a way to measure the work is a great help for many teams, so we created this gadget (smile)

The Scrum Velocity chart gadget shows the velocity of your Scrum team. This velocity is calculated based on the average of completed estimates from a set of sprints.


The sprints are located in either a software project or a Jira board:

And by default, the last 5 sprints are displayed, but users can select 3, 5, 10, 25, or 50 sprints among the previously selected project/boards.

Filter by sprint state

In case you want to display sprints in a specific state (active, future and/or closed), just select the state(s) to be filtered.


This gadget is multi-project / multi-board so that you can report across your whole portfolio of Scrum projects!

This gadget is multi-project / multi-board so that you can report across your whole portfolio of Scrum projects!

Estimation statistic

The y-axis displays the statistic selected to assess the velocity of your team(s). The estimation statistic can be any numeric or duration time custom field in the Jira system. However, the most common fields are:

View Type

You can select among three different visual metaphors to represent your chart: Grouped bar chart, Stacked bar chart, and Multi line chart.

Metrics to display

By default, two metrics are always displayed:

Commitment: The amount of work in the sprint when it began. The bar/line for each sprint shows the total estimate of all issues in the sprint when it begins. After the sprint has started, any stories added to the sprint, or any changes made to estimates, will not be included in this total. 

Completed: The amount of work done during the sprint. The bar/line in each sprint shows the total completed estimates when the sprint ends. Any scope changes made after the sprint started are included in this total.

Optional metrics that can be selected:

Reopened: The amount of work due to issues reopened during a sprint.

Added: How much work was added to a sprint after its start (estimation of issues added to sprint).

Estimate Change: The amount of work due to changes in the estimation of story points changes.

Pending: Represents the total amount of work left in the sprint, according to your team's estimates in either story points, story points estimate, original time estimate, or issue count.

And you can change the color of each of the different metrics just by clicking in the colored circle of each metric:

Potential discrepancies

Dashboard Hub doesn’t store your data, so we cannot get historical data on the fly. If we did, your instance performance would be affected. Thus, we cannot get the removed issues from a sprint.


Velocity is calculated by taking the average of the total completed estimates over the last several sprints. Example, the team's velocity is (17.5 + 13.5 + 38.5 + 18 + 33 + 28) / 6 = 24.75 (we've ignored the zero story point sprint). This means that the team can be expected to complete around 24.75 story points worth of work in the next sprint.

This value should become more accurate and reliable over time, as more data becomes available and the team gets better at estimating issues.

Estimates from sub-tasks are not included in the Velocity Chart's calculation. (Only estimates from parent tasks are included.)


Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:


We are working on our growing catalog of Dashboard Gadgets: KPIs and Metrics, but drop us a line in case you want us to expedite a specific one, visit our Help Center.


This gadget appears in the following dashboard: Scrum Software Team template

See also