Display information about a specific SLA in service management projects during a specific period of time


A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract for your customers, where you basically set the goals for how fast you will manage customer requests. And a good service is driven by these goals, used to measure the level of your service. When you have several service management projects, it is useful to see a comparison between the different metrics in different projects with the same SLA as the baseline. So you can easily track through the whole organization how well or bad you are meeting your SLA

This gadget displays information about a specific SLA in service management projects during a specific period of time.

The SLA reports reflect 100% met when no requests are opened during the reported time period. This fixes two issues with Jira Service Management reports (Cloud JSDCLOUD-10282 and for Data Center JSDSERVER-5453)

For the selected period of time, where:

In the right part of the gadget, the grand totals of created and resolved requests for all the projects in the specified period of time.


The donut chart represents the % of total requests either met or breached of all the projects. A project could indicate 100% met with 0 requests and other indicate 100% met with 50 requests. The percentage in the chart will take into account the total number of requests across all projects.

The donut chart represents the % of total requests either met or breached of all the projects. A project could indicate 100% met with 0 requests and other indicate 100% met with 50 requests. The percentage in the chart will take into account the total number of requests across all projects.


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This gadget appears in the following dashboard: IT Service Management Team template.

See also