May 2021
High Priority gadgets
Some of our customers struggle dealing with strict SLA response times of 2-3 MINUTES. Thus, the default refresh rate of 3 minutes (15 minutes for Opsgenie gadgets) was not enough. That’s why today we’re releasing High Priority gadgets!
Select up to two high priority gadgets per dashboard to see updated information every single minute and worry no more for top priority requests or failed deployments.
Read more about High Priority gadgets
DH Confluence Server 1.2.10 - Initial release
And just one week after the server version of Jira was released, today we are thrilled to announced that the server version of Dashboard Hub for Confluence is available in the Atlassian Marketplace.
If this doesn’t cheer you up, go hug a cat, it works for us 😽
DH Jira Server 1.2.10 - Initial release
Today is “May the 4th be with you”, and the force is with us today because the server version of Dashboard Hub for Jira is publicly available!
We’re working on feature parity with its cloud counterpart, but soon both version will be equal.