You can edit, clone, delete and share your dashboards from the Manage Dashboards page. You can access Manage Dashboards either from the top right … menu or in the dashboards selector located in the top left navigation bar.
You’ll see a list of all your private dashboards and also the open dashboards (see Learn about Access Restrictions and Public Sharing) with their name, owner (the creator), access permission (private or open), if it’s publicly shared, the creation and last update date.
The … menu in the last column has the following actions:
Dashboard settings where you can edit your dashboard’s details.
Clone dashboard to create a new dashboard with the same settings.
Delete public link to eliminate the link to allow external access.
Delete to completely eliminate the dashboard.
Dashboard settings
Create and Edit your Dashboard
See also
Add and Manage Datasources — Learn how to add and configure datasources
Set Up a Wallboard — Set up your information radiator: A wallboard
Add and Configure Gadgets — Learn how to add and configure gadgets in dashboards
Learn about Datasources — Learn what datasources are, what types there are and why are they one of the key assets in dashboards
Create, Edit, Clone, Delete and Export your Dashboard — Easily create and edit your dashboard layout, add gadgets, set access restrictions or share it
What is a Dashboard? — A dashboard is a visualization tool that helps your team to track their work: Monitor environments, visualize sales, detect incidents, analyze performance, track projects and so on.
How to Build your Central Data Hub — Centralize your data by turning Jira and Confluence into the Central Data Hub of your organization