Sprint Health

Sprint Health


All the important metrics of a sprint at a quick glance to check the health and progress of your team. The % of progress can be measure either using story points (make sure all issues are estimated), time (the original time estimate), story points estimate or issue count.

Learn about Configure estimation and tracking in classic boards

This gadget displays useful information about the progress of the sprint:

  • The % progress of each status of your working process.

  • The number of days left to finish the sprint.

  • The blockers left: This field counts all the pending issues with a link “blocks”, which indicate that they are blocking other issue.

  • The flagged left: This field counts all the pending issues that have been flagged as impediments.

  • The % scope change in comparison to how the sprint started. When an issue is added/removed, the scope changes. If an issue without estimation is added/removed from the sprint, the scope won’t be affected.


Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:

  • The datasource, where Current indicates the Jira instance where the app is installed.

  • The project and the board where the issues are located. By default, all the issues are displayed, no matter the active sprint they belong to, in case there are parallel sprints.

  • The estimation statistic, choose how your team estimates the how much work is committed in a sprint. Remember, issues without an estimation are not reflected in the calculation.

    • Story points (company-managed projects, former classic projects). The progress of your team will be measured by the story points estimations they did in the backlog

    • Story points estimate (team-managed projects, former next-gen projects). The progress of your team will be measured by the story points estimations they did in the backlog.

    • Original time estimate. The progress of your team will be measured by the time estimations they did in the backlog i.e., duration of the issues in hours or days in the Original Estimate field.

    • Issue count. The progress of your team will be measured by the number of issues completed. And they won’t need to enter estimates in the backlog. Thus the sum of the issues in a status divided by how many issues are in total in the sprint e.g., 50 issues in the sprint, 25 are in status “Done” so 50% is indicated

  • Finally, indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option eases the pain of configuring one by one the rest of the gadgets with the same default configuration


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This gadget appears in the following dashboard: Scrum Software Team template. See:

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